Building a group chat application
In this course, you will learn how to build a modern serverless group chat GraphQL api using various AWS services such as AWS CDK, AWS AppSync,AWS Lambda. Then you'll create a flutter mobile application with AWS Amplify to consume the backend API you created. This course is a level 300 course, so we'll assume you have an introductory understanding of serverless application development.
Building Secure GraphQl APIs with AWS Cognito, AWS WAF, Terraform and JS Resolvers
A workshop on Building Secure and performant GraphQL API's using Terraform for infrastructure as Code, Appsync, AWS Cognito, AWS WAF, and Javascript Resolvers.
Apartment Complex Management System
This course will teach you how to build a graphql api for an apartment complex management system using AWS Serverless Technology.
Building a real-time package delivery Graphql Api
In this workshop, we'll learn how to build a live tracking delivery service GraphQl API, using AWS AppSync, Javascript Resolvers, DynamoDB and Terraform.
Build a GraphQL API with AWS AppSync and TypeScript
In this workshop, you will learn how to build a real-time GraphQL API with AWS AppSync, the Serverless Frameowrk and TypeScript.