This page contains a collection of projects, libraries and other tools that can be used with AWS AppSync.
IaC (Infrastructure as Code)
- CDK AppSync Construct: Constructs for building AppSync APIs with the CDK.
- serverless-appsync-plugin: Deploy AppSync APIs with the Serverless Framework.
Developer tools
- GraphBolt: A desktop application to help developers build, test debug and manage AWS AppSync APIs.
- Mapping Tool: Quickly Build and Debug AppSync & API Gateway Mapping Templates.
- Graphboss: Test VTL mapping templates for AppSync.
- AppSync Resolver Autocomplete: Autocomplete functionality when editing AWS AppSync resolver vtl files.
- AppSync Utils: A collection of snippets for AppSync.
Code Generators
- Prima-AppSync: Turns your Prisma Schema into a fully-featured GraphQL API, tailored for AWS AppSync.
- sls-jest: sls-jest is a jest plugin for testing serverless applications. It provides a set of utilities for AWS AppSync.